Revenue Summary

A visualization which shows the summary totals for location’s revenue.

Justin Kearney avatar
Written by Justin Kearney
Updated over a week ago

Having a snapshot of revenue by line of business and average revenue per visitor allows you to quickly see how you're performing between time periods.

Based on these numbers, you're able to adjust your operational and marketing strategies accordingly.

This includes:

  1. The total revenue/ average revenue per visit for the selected time period

  2. The daily average revenue for the selected time period

  3. The percentage (and number) increase or decrease of total revenue/ average revenue per visit compared with the previous “x”days. “X” days is the number the number of days selected in the time period

  4. The percentage (and number) increase or decrease of total revenue/ average revenue per visit compared to the same period last year

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the ticket Attribute: Revenue/ Average revenue per visit

  2. Select filters: Line of business

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