Footfall Summary

Quickly see if you are doing better or worse than the previous “x” time period and the same time period last year.

Justin Kearney avatar
Written by Justin Kearney
Updated over a week ago

Looking at footfall has never been easier - quickly see if you are doing better or worse than the previous “x” time period and the same time period last year. This gives you the ability to view a quick snapshot of how different sections of your attraction are performing, from this information you’re able to better plan your visitor journey and experience.

To view the summary totals for your location’s Footfall:

  1. The Total Footfall for the selected time period

  2. The Daily Average Footfall for the selected time period

  3. The percentage (and number) increase or decrease of Footfall compared with the previous “x”days. “X” days is the number the number of days selected in the time period

  4. The percentage (and number) increase or decrease of Footfall compared to the same period last year

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