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Revenue Over Time visualization - Average Revenue Per Visitor available as an attribute
Revenue Over Time visualization - Average Revenue Per Visitor available as an attribute

Looking at revenue trends at different points in time empowers you to break down revenue data by business line

Justin Kearney avatar
Written by Justin Kearney
Updated over a week ago

Optimizing revenue is a major consideration for strategic planning. Whether you’re analyzing marketing and advertising success, measuring average revenue per visitor or requiring visibility over sales numbers at various locations, looking at revenue trends at different points in time empowers you to break down revenue data by business line.

To add revenue over time to your dashboard:

1. Select Revenue Over Time from the visualization library

2. Select the revenue type, “Revenue” or “Average Revenue per Visit” from the Attribute dropdown.

3. Filter by a business line or as combined business lines. (Save your own filters to be shared and used at a different time)

4. Adjusted data can be seen on a Time series at the following granularities: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly.

Note: To make configuration easier, we’ve updated the Revenue Rules column headings. Business Line identifier from the database is now “Line of business (Item)”, ‘Line of business’ is now ‘Line of business (Category) and ‘Category’ is now ‘Tag’.

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