Manage your user profile

Managing your preferences - language, country, timezone and measurement system

Angie Judge avatar
Written by Angie Judge
Updated over a week ago

To manage your user profile:

  1. Click on Admin from the left hand navigation

  2. Select the users tab

  3. Select yourself (or search for yourself)

  4. Click Edit

  5. In the following page, make the changes you'd like to make

  6. Click Save to save your changes

In the user page you'll see the following fields:

First name

Your first name.

Last name

Your last name.


Your email address. Email cannot be modified.


Locale determines formatting of dates and currencies.


Timezone will override the timezone of your browser, if required. You can type a city or a timezone abbreviation to quickly select a timezone.

Multi-factor authentication

If MFA is required by the account, and an MFA device has been set up, it will appear here, and can be removed by clicking the X button next to it.


Determines what a you are allowed to do within the app, but you are unable to change this yourself.


The account to which you as a user belongs to, but you are unable to change this yourself.

Change Password

You can change you password by entering your current password, new password and then confirm your new password again. Check out the "i" next to the new password so see your account's password policy. Your new password must comply with your account's password policy.

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